Terri Reeves, Promoter of the Natural Central Valley has over 25 years of experience in fitness, natural bodybuilding and wellness. We will only prescribe drug free nutrition and exercise methods. Body Temple Fitness is dedicated to encouraging natural athletics and providing a drug free platform for bodybuilding an physique athletes. What you will see on the website is our contest information and registration for our event and seminars.
Terri is a Z-Health Master trainer, she works with those who suffer acute and chronic pain - whether it presents as physical pain, anxiety or a sense of something "not being right" - using a systemic approach. In addition to addressing the site of acute or chronic pain, Terri helps clients look deeply into their lives and experience to heal from the ground up.
Terri is also a WNBF and IPE Pro Bodybuilder and Judge for over 20 years.
We do not believe in the use of drugs recreational or for sports enhancement. Our site is only to promote health and wellness in all areas of life.
For other areas of training you can also checkout my fitness training business site at www.mybodytemplefitness.com
35 years of stringent drug testing has made the WNBF the most respected drug free federation in the world. We welcome you to affiliate with us in your country. https://www.worldnaturalbb.com/about/
Please Note For Pro Qualifers:
Open Pro Qualifiers must have 8 or more competitors to award WNBF Pro Card.
40+ Pro Qualifiers must have 5 or more competitors to award WNBF Pro Card.
FIGURE Guidelines
FIGURE NOVICE - Competitor's that have not won 1st in Novice, having at least four competitors, of any organization.
FIGURE OPEN - Pro Qualifier. Open to any competitor regardless of age or accomplishments. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 8 or more competitors.
FIGURE MASTERS 40+ - Pro Qualifier. Competitors shall be age 40 & over.
To award WNBF Pro Card must have 5 or more competitors.
FIGURE MASTERS 50+ - Competitors age 50 & over.
BIKINI Guidelines
BIKINI TEEN - Age 15-19.
BIKINI OPEN - Pro Qualifier. Open to any competitor regardless of age or accomplishments. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 8 or more competitors.
BIKINI NOVICE - Competitor's that have not won 1st in Novice, having at least four competitors, in any organization.
BIKINI MASTERS 40+ - Pro Qualifier. Competitors age 40 & over. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 5 or more competitors.
BIKINI MASTERS 50+ - Competitors age 50 & over.
WOMENS FIT BODY OPEN - Pro Qualifier. Open to any competitor regardless of age or accomplishments. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 8 or more competitors.
WOMENS FIT BODY 40+ - Pro Qualifier. Competitors age 40 & over. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 5 or more competitors.
MENS PHYSIQUE NOVICE - Competitor's that have not won 1st in Novice, having at least four competitors, of any organization.
MENS PHYSIQUE OPEN - Pro Qualifier. Is open to any competitor regardless of age or accomplishments. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 8 or more competitors.
MENS PHYSIQUE 40+ - Pro Qualifier. Competitors age 40 & over.
To award WNBF Pro Card must have 5 or more competitors.
MENS CLASSIC PHYSIQUE Guidelines Coming Soon
BODYBUILDING MEN & WOMEN (Unless designated)
TEENAGE MEN - Age 15-19
NOVICE- Competitor's that have not won 1st in Novice, having at least four competitors, of any organization.
OPEN - Pro Qualifier. Open to any competitor regardless of age or accomplishments. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 8 or more competitors.
MASTERS 40+ - Pro Qualifier for Males & Females.
Competitors age 40 & over. To award WNBF Pro Card must have 5 or more competitors.
MASTERS 50+ - Competitors age 50 & over.
WNBF competition participants must be age 15 or older. Current membership to INBF is required of all competitors to participate in INBF events. All WNBF shows are natural events, meaning use of performance enhancing substances is not permitted. Competitors must successfully pass a polygraph screening prior to events to attest to their natural status. URINALYSIS will be done on competitor in accordance with drug testing guidelines.
For INBF / WNBF competitors to keep their eligibility they must adhere to WNBF guidelines and criteria. Sportsmanship is vital to the Natural cause and be upheld at all times. Below is several but not all of the instances a competitor can be banned or suspended by the WNBF. Length of suspension will vary depending on violation. In some cases Probation can be recommended for violators. Repeated violations can and will increase severity of suspension.
Failed Polygraph Test
Failed to take polygraph at designated time
Failure to submit a urine sample at a designated time
Failed Urinalysis
Giving false information or trying to deceive the test procedure
Whenever an athlete is on stage or back stage they’re being watched. Your behavior can have a significant impact, positive or negative. Young impressionable minds may be observing your behavior and this could have a significant impact. An INBF / WNBF athlete or official is a role model, whether they choose to be or not. Anything less than a positive role model is unacceptable by INBF / WNBF guidelines. It is important that you conduct yourself as a professional at all times.
Please Note: Entry Fees & Membership Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable for any reason.
Can't wait to see you all on stage 😍🏋🏾💪🏾🏆
Step one: go to this site and get your WNBF membership card :
Step two: register HERE
Step four: Click HERE to schedule your polygraph
Step five: Schedule your tanning appointment: Martini Spray Tan
Step six: Purchase Tickets
“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” ~Michelangelo
Terri Reeves, Promoter of the Natural Central Valley has over 20 years of experience in fitness, natural bodybuilding and wellness. We will only prescribe drug free nutrition and exercise methods. Body Temple Fitness is dedicated to encouraging natural athletics and providing a drug free platform for bodybuilding an physique athletes.
We understand that adapting new fitness habits is difficult and often times fails. Our goal is to change your view on fitness, so that it becomes apart of who you are and your lifestyle. We strongly believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. Maya Angelou
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